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ID 209132
Date add 29 September 2023 06:42
Views 81
Vertmax® Duo pigment is the same concentrated pigment plus a unique bio-stimulant package. When you use this at label rates has several plant health benefits. Our blog on salicylic acid for plant
Country Australia
State / Province New South Wales
Distance 17,010 Kilometers

120 $ - AUD (Australian Dollar)

Vertmax® Duo pigment is the same concentrated pigment plus a unique bio-stimulant package. When you use this at label rates has several plant health benefits. Our blog on salicylic acid for plants explains what this are and how they an improve your turfgrass

For example, bent and winter grass can only utilize a certain amount of light which is in the 400-500 μmols m2 s-1 range. Above this light intensity and turf becomes photosynthetically saturated which can occur during summer months when light intensities are often over 2,500 μmols m2 s-1. This affects turf performance, wear tolerance, and disease resistance.

With the use of a turf pigment, it is able to absorb and transmit a given light wavelength and reflect a different one. So when you use Vertmax® pigments, they still allow for PAR light transmission but at a reduced light intensity. The end result is a healthier turf surface as most UV light is either absorbed or reflected.

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Opening Hours 7am - 5pm
Price 120
Currency $ - AUD (Australian Dollar)
Country Australia
State / Province New South Wales
Distance 17,010 Kilometers
Address 3/433 Maroubra Road, Maroubra NSW, Australia