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ID 272105
Date add 3 February 2025 4:56 PM
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Country India
State Haryana
Distance 6,786 Kilometers

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Everything you must know about psoriasis and its treatment options

Psoriasis is a long-term skin disorder that is triggered by the immune system. It’s caused by excess production of skin cells as a result of abnormal immune reactions that result in the appearance of flamed skin patches that are scaly throughout the body. Psoriasis can be a bothersome condition that causes itching and flare-ups. Homeopathy provides a totally natural treatment for psoriasis that is based on the root to provide a complete treatment for the disease. This blog focuses on the different symptoms, signs, and causes, as well as diagnostic and treatments for Psoriasis.

The signs and symptoms associated with Psoriasis

Although the condition may affect people in different ways based on the type of condition, a few of the more common symptoms and signs that are associated with psoriasis patches are:

Skin problems;

  • Reddish, thick, and the appearance of scaly patches

  • Cracked and dry skin that could be prone to bleeding.

  • Pus-filled bumps

  • The sensation of burning and itching is common on patches of psoriasis

Nail symptoms;

  • Nails that are bumpy, thick, or pitted nails

  • The color changes under the nails

  • Fingernails can be rough or swollen. toenails

Joint problems:

  • Stiff, joint swelling or pain (like psoriatic arthritis)

Other concerns:

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Headaches, fever, muscle weakness, and more (like pustular psoriasis)

The development of psoriasis patches can vary from person to. The symptoms can appear and go, changing in intensity from mild to severe. Patients can experience temporary relief from the symptoms through the use of a natural remedy for scalp psoriasis and nails or skin.

Link to details Visit Link Here
E-mail Vikasbharathomeopathy@gmail.com
Phone 09958318261
Mobile 09958318261
Opening 10am-7pm
Currency ₹ - INR (Indian Rupee)
Country India
State Haryana
Distance 6,786 Kilometers
Address A-517, 1st Floor, Sushant Lok Phase 1 near IFFCO Chowk Metro Station, Gurugram, Haryana 122022