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ID 214231
Date add 9 November 2023 06:44
Views 71
KAPADIYA EXPO COMPANY is the leading manufacturer, supplier & exporter of different types of agricaltural products located at Gujarat. We are dealing in spices, herbal items, dehydrated fruits &am
Country India
State / Province Gujarat
Distance 7,047 Kilometers

KAPADIYA EXPO COMPANY is the leading manufacturer, supplier & exporter of different types of agricaltural products located at Gujarat. We are dealing in spices, herbal items, dehydrated fruits & vegetables, fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and pulses, tea and coffee. We are renowned for the exceptional purity, precise formulation, and lengthy shelf life of our products. It is renowned for providing high-quality products with the guarantee that their original flavor will be preserved. We are dedicated to improving client happiness and giving our goods more value. Each product’s packaging may be tailored to the needs of the buyer, and the buyer’s brand name can also be included. Asia, Europe, North America, and South America are the continents where our agricultural goods are sold. Our staff is well trained in all the international/EU standards for packaging, stuffing, and dispatch so the clients get the best quality goods in the best manner. The firm has its own plant and is registered and certified for all food-related activities, allowing it to export goods to any country in the world.

Opening Hours Monday to Saturday: 9 am to 6 pm
Country India
State / Province Gujarat
Distance 7,047 Kilometers
Address Gandhi Bag, Mahuva, Gujarat, India