About listing

ID 203777
Date add 14 August 2023 5:41 AM
Views 172
Country Australia
State Victoria
Distance 16,948 Kilometers

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clinics located in Coburg and Ringwood Melbourne. We’ve been serving and helping people around Melbourne northern and eastern suburbs since 2003. Both clinics offer symptomatic and preventive health care. We would like to help you get off the treadmill of ill health, discover a blueprint for health rejuvenation and optimal well-being.

Our treatment include traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese remedial massage, other traditional therapies. We also provide chiropractic, exercises, life style and diet advices. Our registered acupuncture and Chinese medicine chiropractic practitioners have the expertise in fertility IVF support, women’s health and natural pain management.


We have particular interest and experiences in working with patients with fertility IVF challenges, pregnancy, women’s health and other health issues. These include:

  • Fertility IVF treatment support;
  • Women’s health;
  • Pregnancy and labor support;
  • Natural pain management;

General practice

In consultation with other treating health practitioners, we may also be able to help you manage and improve symptoms from other general conditions, such as natural pain management, emotional disorders (stress, sleep, etc.), cancer supportive management, and other difficult conditions.

In stead of listing the whole range of issues that we could be help, we would rather you contact us. In this way we can understand the details of your condition and may provide better help for you.

We help you Get Well and Stay Well, Naturally!

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country Australia
State Victoria
Distance 16,948 Kilometers
Address 21 Bell Street, Coburg VIC, Australia
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