About listing

ID 233444
Date add 1 May 2024 9:14 AM
Views 129
Country India
State Chandigarh
Distance 6,583 Kilometers

₹ - INR (Indian Rupee)

IIAHP is a non-profit international charitable trust that offers special therapies and treatments to help brain-injured and especially needy children become normal, well-rounded human beings. IIAHP is a rehabilitation and therapy center and a learning enhancement school for brain-injured children. Here, we treat conditions like autism, cerebral palsy, development delay, Down’s syndrome, brain injury, speech delay, mental retardation, epilepsy, hyperactivity, and ADHD, and provide treatment for special needs children.

E-mail seo@nxpro.com
Phone 07419502101
Currency ₹ - INR (Indian Rupee)
Country India
State Chandigarh
Distance 6,583 Kilometers
Address HOUSE NO> 2529 Sector 35 Market Rd