About listing

ID 126174
Date add 2 October 2021 10:41 AM
Views 732
Country Australia
State Victoria
Distance 16,987 Kilometers

Phone : (03) 8795 7742
We specialize in custom manufacturing, wholesale, and distribution of eco-friendly packaging. Our products are made from quality biodegradable materials to ensure no waste. Vivo Packaging manufactures a range of food-grade bags that are both functional and cost-effective. Please call us today for more information on how we can help you with your packaging needs! Phone: (03) 8795 7742 Email: info@vivopak.com.au Address: 18/94 Abbott Rd, Hallam VIC 3803 Website link https://www.vivopak.com.au/
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Opening Monday-Friday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Country Australia
State Victoria
Distance 16,987 Kilometers
Address 18/94 Abbott Rd, Hallam, VIC 3803