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ID 134989
Date add 14 December 2021 17:14
Views 689
US Ghost Adventures offers an authentic experience that strives to make sense of the unexplainable. The San Diego ghost tour is based on real-world portrayals of hauntings and well-documented history.
Country United States of America
State / Province California
Distance 8,649 Kilometers

US Ghost Adventures offers an authentic experience that strives to make sense of the unexplainable. The San Diego ghost tour is based on real-world portrayals of hauntings and well-documented history.  
Whether you’re just visiting California or looking to learn more about your hometown’s haunted past, US Ghost Adventures offers a ghostly experience that you won’t forget. 
San Diego’s Haunted History
Take a peek inside the ghoulish and mysterious history of one of the first settlements of the West Coast. 
San Diego’s history has its fair share of ghastly stories and spooky characters, dating back to the 1500s and 1600s as Spaniards, Mexicans, and Indigenous tribes all fought over this precious land that is commonly known as the “birthplace of California.”
Since joining the US in 1850, San Diego has juxtaposed its warm, sunny beaches with its dark stories that lie just beneath the surface. 
From its Gaslamp Quarter with a long and twisted history to the lingering stories about the area’s first settlers still roaming the town in spirit, there’s something for everyone who wants to learn more about the creepy and often unexplainable.

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Opening Hours Ghost tours are held nightly, rain or shine.
Country United States of America
State / Province California
Distance 8,649 Kilometers
Address 868 Fourth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101, USA
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