About listing

ID 262053
Date add 12 November 2024 1:26 PM
Views 74
Country United States
State Illinois
Distance 6,247 Kilometers

Our teams provide customers an impeccable clean using our 22-Step Healthy Touch Deep Cleaning System. The Maids is the only residential cleaning company to clean for health and this is how: We wash floors, make faucets squeaky clean and leave doorknobs germ-free. Even remotes get our attention and are left gunk-less. The Maids’ vacuums use HEPA filtration to catch wayward dust bunnies, removing up to 99% of all dust, allergens, bacteria, pet dander, pollen, and other pollutants. And we use environmentally preferable cleaning products that are safe for pets and children. The Maids’ system is so robust and thorough that 96% of our customers would recommend us to their friends and family. What’s not to love about that?

E-mail frankvstuart@gmail.com
Phone 8152305567
Country United States
State Illinois
Distance 6,247 Kilometers
Address 23855 West Andrew Road, Plainfield, Illinois 60585, USA