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About listing

ID 259558
Date add 24 October 2024 3:55 PM
Views 53
Country United States
State Tennessee
Distance 6,596 Kilometers

Cloud Concinnity® is an integrated platform that centralizes, simplifies and automates control of data, communications, process management & reporting, while unlocking the value of big data.

Our platform provides the most functional and comprehensive clinical trial oversight software on the market: a single, secure hub where all meetings, documents and processes can be centralized, automated, monitored and generate a complete audit trail. Cloud Concinnity enables developers of new therapies to bring their treatments to market faster, at a lower cost all while reducing risk to Sponsors, Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) and patients.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Phone 1+6159881501
Mobile 1+6159881501
Opening Mon to Fri 9 am to 5 pm
Country United States
State Tennessee
Distance 6,596 Kilometers
Address 10 Burton Hills Boulevard suite 400 51, Nashville, TN 37215, USA