
About listing

ID 152442
Date add 3 June 2022 4:53 PM
Views 733
Country United States
State North Carolina
Distance 6,320 Kilometers

We provide a client-centered approach that is designed to reduce the stress and anxiety that often comes to those who face serious legal matters. Problem-solving is at the very core of what we do from handling criminal cases, family disputes to personal injury. When you hire Teddy, Meekins & Talbert, you hire an entire team of legal professionals and we are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with you.

Teddy, Meekins & Talbert, PLLC
1219 Fallston Rd. Shelby, NC 28150
704 487 1234

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Monday - Friday 8AM–5PM
Country United States
State North Carolina
Distance 6,320 Kilometers
Address 1219 Fallston Rd, Shelby, NC 28150, USA