
About listing

ID 232563
Date add 24 April 2024 6:19 PM
Views 94
Country Singapore
Distance 10,920 Kilometers

$ - SGD (Singapore Dollar)

Team-Metal, headquartered in Singapore, stands as a premier manufacturer of precision components. With manufacturing facilities in China and Indonesia, the company operates on a high-mix, low-volume business model. Since its establishment in 1988, Team-Metal has expanded its workforce to over 600 skilled professionals. The company’s core expertise lies in precision micro mechanics, particularly in medical, analytical equipment, and lifestyle components. At Team-Metal, we provide a comprehensive range of services, including value engineering, engineering development, rapid prototyping, and turnkey management. Leveraging advanced manufacturing capabilities such as CNC turning, milling, surface treatment, and metal casting, along with inevitable turnkey assembly, we ensure quality throughout the process. The commitment of our team to excellence and innovation enables us to deliver top-notch solutions to our valued clients.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Phone +65 6742 3088
Opening Monday-Friday: 8 am - 5:30 pm Saturday-Sunday: Closed
Currency $ - SGD (Singapore Dollar)
Country Singapore
Distance 10,920 Kilometers
Address 31 Kaki Bukit View, Singapore 415964, Singapore