
About listing

ID 168755
Date add 4 October 2022 15:58
Views 543
Suzhou Jinhong Gas Co., Ltd. is an environmental protection intensive integrated gas supplier specializing in gas R & D, production, sales and service. After more than 20 years of exploration and

Suzhou Jinhong Gas Co., Ltd. is an environmental protection intensive integrated gas supplier specializing in gas R & D, production, sales and service. After more than 20 years of exploration and development, the company has established a gas supply and service network with complete categories, reasonable layout and reliable distribution, which can provide customers in electronic semiconductor, medical and health, energy conservation and environmental protection, new materials, new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing and other industries with more than 100 gas varieties in three categories: special gas, bulk gas and natural gas. The company has established dozens of subsidiary companies throughout the country and embarked on the road of group operation. The company was successfully listed on the science and innovation board in 2020 (Stock Code: 688106).
Contact Us
Tel: +86-512-65767715-8880
Fax: +86-512-65789129
E-mail: sales@jinhonggroup.com
Address: 6 Anmin Road, Jiangsu, Suzhou, Xiangcheng, China 215152

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