About listing

ID 202114
Date add 31 July 2023 7:42 PM
Views 85
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,368 Kilometers

Sphynx World specializes in all sphynx cats, exotic naked kittens, and hairless cats. We offer a variety of colors and ages to choose from & ensuring that they are healthy, happy, and well-socialized. Contact us.

A unique and fascinating breed, sphynx cats are also referred to as hairless cats. Despite having less fur, they have a lot of personality and are adorable pets. If you’re interested in sphynx cats or hairless cats. Get in touch to purchase your new Sphynx Cats at sphynx world.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,368 Kilometers
Address 151155 NY-25, Smithtown, NY 11787, USA