
About listing

ID 119404
Date add 11 August 2021 07:16
Views 623
Soho Hospitality is an integrated interior design and F&B consulting studio. We design and consult for restaurants, bars, nightclubs, food halls and beach clubs for the global hotel operators, mal
Country Thailand
State / Province Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
Distance 9,591 Kilometers

Soho Hospitality is an integrated interior design and F&B consulting studio. We design and consult for restaurants, bars, nightclubs, food halls and beach clubs for the global hotel operators, mall operators, restaurant chains and private equity investors in Asia, The Middle East and Europe.

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Country Thailand
State / Province Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
Distance 9,591 Kilometers
Address Bangkok 10110, Thailand