About listing

ID 108175
Date add 22 May 2021 9:50 PM
Views 897
Country United States
State California
Distance 8,575 Kilometers

Whether you are planning a residential or an office move, you can rely on our North Hills movers to guide, assist and support you every step of the way. From the first phone call, until the last piece of furniture is placed exactly where you like it. At Sky Moving, customer satisfaction is our number 1 priority. The wide plethora of our services include local relocation in Los Angeles County, residential and office moving, as well as packing solutions. We believe that first-class quality should go hand in hand with affordability, so we offer exceptional services at reasonable prices that fit your budget. Also, we understand that each customer is unique, and every move is different, so we do our best to design services tailored to your specific needs. Give us a call and start planning your relocation with Sky Moving team.

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Opening Mon.-Fri.: 8AM-7PM; Sat.-Sun.: 8AM-6PM
Country United States
State California
Distance 8,575 Kilometers
Address 10147 Odessa Ave, North Hills, CA 91343, USA