
About listing

ID 141401
Date add 11 February 2022 2:33 PM
Views 748
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,425 Kilometers

Sesamo is the new incarnated Crispin’s with the same Italian food that you know and love but with an Asian touch. This new Italian Asian Fusion Restaurant in Hell’s Kitchen NYC features lunch, brunch and dinner menus with a selection of delicious dishes. Our menu offers international fare created to appeal to the discerning Manhattan diner. Co-founded by a couple of entrepreneurs with a taste for quality who brings over 30 years of experience in hospitality. We offer consistently delicious dishes featuring homemade pasta, meats, and seafood. In addition to our superb cuisine, our guests can experience a wide selection of wines and cocktails.

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Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,425 Kilometers
Address 764 10th Ave, New York, NY 10019, USA