
About listing

ID 252548
Date add 9 September 2024 2:14 PM
Views 68
Country Finland
State Uusimaa
Distance 1,797 Kilometers

€ - EUR (Euro)

Our journey began with a vision
to create something truly remarkable. Our founders, veterans in the IT and
business industries, united their expertise to establish Routa Digital in 2021.
As part of the True Routa Group, we offer a holistic approach to IT services,
crafting solutions based on strategic business thinking to help our clients
achieve their goals. Based in Espoo, our vision is to create sustainable
digital transformation for future generations. From early business planning and
conceptualization to service support and maintenance, our IT solutions promote
digital transformation, speed up business results, and enable companies to
reach their sustainability goals. Our philosophy centers around creating an
enjoyable, fun, and exciting workplace for our employees, partners, and
customers. Central to this philosophy are values such as equality, diversity,
and professionalism, which serve as its foundational pillars.

We are well-placed to address the
wide range of requirements that our clients may have. Our cross-border support
and operations in Nordics and India enable us to serve our customers from
different international locations via a seamless unified experience.

Currency € - EUR (Euro)
Country Finland
State Uusimaa
Distance 1,797 Kilometers
Address Keilaniementie 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland