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ID 166236
Date add 20 September 2022 16:47
Views 598
The PTE Retell lecture task requires you to speak without any hesitations and fluently. You should also have a good intonation and a natural rate, which is known as Oral Fluency, which is further cate

The PTE Retell lecture task requires you to
speak without any hesitations and fluently. You should also have a good
intonation and a natural rate, which is known as Oral Fluency, which is further
categorized into three scoring areas: Sentence stress, Speed and pause, and
Good rhythm. As we go through each of the sections, you still need to work on
these areas regardless of whether or not you use our Retell lecture template.
In PTE Retell lecture questions, you do not need to stress the entire sentence,
but you should stress the word that conveys meaning, this is known as sentence
stressing. How do you determine which words to emphasize? Our Retell lecture
template will teach you all you need to know about nouns, adjectives, adverbs,
and verbs. Grammar words, which serve only to support the sentence, must not be
stressed. You will learn everything you need to know in the Retell lecture template.

PTE Retell Lecture tasks require you to
speak at a moderate speed. If you don’t control your speed, you are at risk of
making the PTE algorithm unable to distinguish words. On the other hand, if you
speak too slowly, you are at risk of not retelling sufficient essential points.
It is important to speak at a medium speed, and pause after commas and full
stops. Additionally, PTE Retell Lecture recommends test-takers modulate their
voice while speaking. Once you join Edutrainex and learn our detailed
strategies and tips related to PTE Retell Lecture, you will know what is needed
to succeed on the test.

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