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ID 119064
Date add 9 August 2021 08:33
Views 623
Yifong Group Ltd. (www.yifongproducts.com), specialized in manufacturing Gun slings, QD rifle swivels, QR push button swivels, boresnake cleaners, scope rings, tactical bipods, and so on. We have more
Country Hong Kong
State / Province Kowloon
Distance 9,626 Kilometers

Yifong Group Ltd. (www.yifongproducts.com), specialized in manufacturing Gun slings, QD rifle swivels, QR push button swivels, boresnake cleaners, scope rings, tactical bipods, and so on. We have more than 20years producing experience for famous brands in United States. Please get in contact with us (eric@yifong-industrial.com) to know more about us, to have our cheap prices for get top quality products. Wholesale or retail are both welcome.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country Hong Kong
State / Province Kowloon
Distance 9,626 Kilometers
Address Hong Kong, Yau Ma Tei, Room 1102Tai Shing Comm bldg.,500 Nathan Road Kowloon
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