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ID 166964
Date add 24 September 2022 9:24 AM
Views 744
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,419 Kilometers

Here at Queens carpet cleaners we take care of all cleaning and repair services you might need; we work on carpets, rugs or any upholstery item you have, our highly trained technicians will be at your services 24/7. Our experience cant be compared and our work is 100% guarantee what we say is what we do and we will provide a five star service to make your life easier and happier. We offer you different service to help you with your daily routine; from pick up service to delivery services, giving you with the services you deserve for a very affordable Price as well,112-12 Queens Blvd, Queens, NY 11375

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Monday-Friday | 08:00-19:00 Saturday | Close Sunday | 09:00-17:00
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,419 Kilometers
Address 112-12 Queens Blvd, Queens, NY, 11375, USA