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ID 256061
Date add 30 September 2024 6:29 PM
Views 51
Country China
State Henan
Distance 8,449 Kilometers


Beston Pyrolysis Plant is a cutting-edge technology designed to convert organic waste into valuable resources. Through a controlled heating process in the absence of oxygen, the plant effectively breaks down waste materials into bio-oil, bio-char, and combustible gas. This process offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for waste management.

How Does a Beston Pyrolysis Plant Work?

  1. Waste Collection: Pyrolysis plant receives a variety of organic waste, including plastic, rubber, tires, biomass, and sludge.
  2. Pre-Processing: The waste undergoes pre-treatment, such as shredding or drying, to prepare it for pyrolysis.
  3. Pyrolysis Process: The pre-processed waste is introduced into the pyrolysis reactor, where it is heated in a controlled environment. The high temperature and absence of oxygen cause the waste to decompose, producing bio-oil, bio-char, and combustible gas.
  4. Product Collection: The resulting products are collected and processed further as needed. Bio-oil can be refined into fuels or chemicals, bio-char can be used as a soil amendment or fuel, and the combustible gas can be utilized for on-site energy generation.

Link to details Visit Link Here
E-mail ariellee0719@gmail.com
Phone 18538232127
Mobile 18538232127
Price 45000
Country China
State Henan
Distance 8,449 Kilometers
Address 9th Floor, Building of Central China Electronic Commerce Port, Nansanhuan Rd and Daxue Rd, Erqi District