About listing

ID 122819
Date add 7 September 2021 7:39 PM
Views 1,078
Country India
State Gujarat
Distance 7,035 Kilometers

Prakash Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd as software development company is one of the leading names in the IT industry. 

With 200+ satisfied customers globally we are providing services in
Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM/ERP, and services such as digital
transformation, product engineering, SaaS, cloud development & adoption,
rich internet application, custom mobile app development, validation &
verification, and much more. 

Our main area of focus is business application
development and architectural development, providing solutions & helping
customers in their digital transformation journey.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country India
State Gujarat
Distance 7,035 Kilometers
Address Prakash Software Solutions Pvt Ltd, near Chhani Circle, TP 13, Chhani Jakatnaka, Vadodara, Gujarat, India