
About listing

ID 221705
Date add 13 January 2024 2:00 PM
Views 138
Country Australia
State New South Wales
Distance 16,985 Kilometers

1190 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, NSW 2060
Phone: 61 290066770
BUsiness Email: info@powwowstudios.com.au
Pow Wow Film Studios, located in North Sydney is a state-of-the-art film production facility that provides a comprehensive range of services in an environment that you will come to think of as home.With credits on Television series work such as 20 to One & Married at first sight for Nine the Network documentaries and feature films our highly skilled team have the expertise and resources to assist you in all aspects of film and TV production services from the outset to the completion of your project.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country Australia
State New South Wales
Distance 16,985 Kilometers
Address 1190 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia