About listing

ID 214255
Date add 9 November 2023 9:07 AM
Views 193
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,395 Kilometers

Pawa Realtor has decades of experience in helping clients with buying, selling and renting real estate properties in New York. At Pawa Realtor, we value the relationships we have built with the clients over the years and work hard to make them feel connected and at ease. If you are looking for best real estate agent in Dix Hills, NY, or other nearby counties, then your best option would be Dhiraj Pawa. Trusted real estate advisor, Dhiraj Pawa, leads Suffolk County buyers and sellers to success with patience, experience and a genuine passion for helping people. His commitment work ethic, market expertise, and upbeat enthusiasm has made him the counties’ go-to agent. Dhiraj is known as one of the best real estate agent in Hicksville, NY.

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Opening 24 Hours (All Days)
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,395 Kilometers
Address 253 South Broadway, Hicksville, New York 11801, USA