About listing

ID 148546
Date add 23 April 2022 6:14 AM
Views 635
Country Canada
State / Province British Columbia
Distance 7,487 Kilometers

Dale Olsen, the owner of Outlooks, opened up shop in 1990. The store has changed and grown over the years and is now Victoria’s premier stop for what a guy needs – when he needs it. With two locations, in Victoria and Duncan, Outlooks carries a carefully curated selection of menswear brands from around the world. Our selection includes beautiful suits, a polished look in shoes, basic staples, and quirky accessories.
More Details:
Address: 534 Yates St, Victoria ,BC V8W 1K8
Phone: +1 250-384-2848
Email: Dale@outlooksformen.com
Google My Business: https://g.page/outlooksformen?share

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Hours Mon - Sat: 10am - 5:30pm, Sunday: 11am - 5pm
Country Canada
State / Province British Columbia
Distance 7,487 Kilometers
Address 534 Yates St, Victoria, BC V8W 1K8, Canada