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ID 143168
Date add 26 February 2022 2:57 PM
Views 764
Country United States
State District of Columbia
Distance 5,758 Kilometers

https://seradoctor.com/ is an online-based medical services website. The goal of seradoctor.com is to establish an easy link for all people in the country to seek the advice of doctors who specialize in any physical problem.
seradoctor.com has tried to present all the medical contents in a very simple way. At seradoctor.com, you can easily give the serial of the doctor you need from thousands of experienced doctors of more than 30 classes. You can also easily get the services you need by contacting our call center for any health-related advice.
Anyone can open a free account at seradoctor.com and give serials to all types of specialist doctors in just 1 minute. Also through seradoctor.com, you can easily find information on all blood groups, including all hospitals and clinics and diagnostic centers and all AC and non-AC ambulance information, contact address, and phone number very easily.
Health care services contributors help patients who are seeking treatment for the purpose of preventing, extinguishing, curing, or curing human illness, physical disability, or injury. Health care services contributors engage people with doctor’s offices, hospitals, private clinics, and pharmacies to receive treatment. Health care services can also contribute to businesses with group health care authorizations that contribute employees with dental plans, vision plans, pharmacy plans, behavioral health plans, and supplemental insurance. Health care services contributors are most usually handled by HR departments at a company. They can connect employees with health benefits and other medical treatments that they are seeking. Health care services providers can be used alongside benefits administration services providers to help companies enroll their employees in life insurance, vacation time, sick time, pensions, and individual retirement accounts.

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Country United States
State District of Columbia
Distance 5,758 Kilometers
Address 1217 22nd Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA