
About listing

ID 232945
Date add 26 April 2024 1:46 PM
Views 145
Country Canada
State Ontario
Distance 5,558 Kilometers

We are a retail store that sell a wide range of eco friendly products that are primarily made of bamboo. We also sell a wide variety of handmade products such as body soaps, dish soaps, body butter, mini cement crafts, body lotion pillar candles and container candles. In addition to our zero waste products and handmade products, we also offer a good selection of refill products such as dish soap, laundry soaps, fabric softener, toilet bowl cleaner, multipurpose cleaner, shampoo, conditioner and many more.

E-mail pardita8h@protonmail.com
Phone 647-786-7073
Opening Tuesday-Friday 12:00 PM -7:00 pm
Country Canada
State Ontario
Distance 5,558 Kilometers
Address 362 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4M 2G9, Canada