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ID 138302
Date add 12 January 2022 8:32 PM
Views 882
Country Canada
State Ontario
Distance 5,516 Kilometers

Need to import bank or credit card transactions in a CSV/XLS/XLSX/TXT, PDF, QFX, OFX, QBO, QIF/QMTF, MT940/STA file into your accounting or personal finance software but cannot seem to make it work?

The Solution: try the Transactions app. It can convert your transactions into a format that your accounting/personal finance software can import.

The Transactions app converts your bank and credit card transactions files into a file format compatible with your accounting or personal finance software like QuickBooks (Desktop or Online), Quicken, Xero, Sage, Wave, FreeAgent, Banktivity, Kashoo, ZARMoney, Excel, and many others importing standard financial file formats like OFX, QBO, QFX, QIF, IIF, CSV.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday
Country Canada
State Ontario
Distance 5,516 Kilometers
Address 615-701 Rossland Road East, Whitby, ON L1R 1Y5, Canada