About listing

ID 135458
Date add 17 December 2021 5:10 PM
Views 781
Country Singapore
Distance 10,903 Kilometers

Maison Wu is a ready-to-wear online fashion brand based in Singapore, founded by two sisters. As a luxury online fashion label, we deliver a wide range of modern contemporary fashion to women of today’s generation. 

A modern women’s clothing, we design pieces that can transform from daywear to nightwear, and our collection ranges from 9 to 5 edits, weekend styles, casual to occasions. We create modern clothing for women who desire classic essential, chic and comfortable fashion. 

At Maison Wu, we focus on small quantities to avoid undesirable production while maintaining uniqueness and quality and providing a seamless shopping experience. We provide unmatched customer service, an easy return policy, and 24X7 SHOPPING ASSISTANCE.

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Country Singapore
Distance 10,903 Kilometers
Address 20 Woodlands Link, Singapore