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ID 205031
Date add 23 August 2023 19:00
Views 51
Are you tired of searching for the best freight forwarding companies that can efficiently handle your shipping needs? Look no further. Gama is freight management software for small and medium-sized fo

200 $ - USD (US Dollar)

Are you tired of searching for the best freight forwarding companies that can efficiently handle your shipping needs? Look no further. Gama is freight management software for small and medium-sized forwarders that enables your customers to manage all their freight online. With pre-built integrations into leading TMS software (like CargoWise) and other Logitech applications, Gama Logistics management software is easy to implement and is connected with other major industry platforms and carriers. This logistics software is built to help freight forwarders modernize their operations and provide a seamless online experience for their customers. Customizable logistics management software, Gama is a powerful out-of-the-box solution any logistics company can use to become a true digital freight forwarder. Our logistics software ensures a seamless global logistics network that operates like a well-oiled machine. Say goodbye to the complexities of logistics management as our software simplifies the entire process from start to finish.
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Price 200
Currency $ - USD (US Dollar)