About listing

ID 224064
Date add 7 February 2024 6:09 PM
Views 211
Country Philippines
State Metro Manila
Distance 10,752 Kilometers

LogiCore, Inc. is a leading logistics provider with more than 20 years of combined professional experience in the fields of Contract Logistics and 4PL Services, Fleet Management, Transportation, Distribution, Supply Chain Management, Reverse Logistics, Warehouse Management, Cross-docking, Cold Storage, Toll Packing, and Multi Packing/Bundling, among others.
Committed to customer satisfaction, we customize services to meet your business’ unique logistics requirements. Local and international award-giving bodies acknowledge our dedication to quality service, ensuring quantified results and ultimate customer contentment.
Why is Logicore Inc. the Best Logistics Provider for Your Business? Logicore stands out as the optimal logistics provider for your business! Offering customized logistics solutions, including value-added services, Logicore addresses your unique logistics requirements. As an accredited logistics company, we excel in supply chain management, ensuring efficient handling of goods in dry and cold storage services. Benefit from tailored solutions, success-driven collaboration, efficient supply chain management, and robust expert support with Logicore Inc.

Country Philippines
State Metro Manila
Distance 10,752 Kilometers
Address Sunblest Compound, Km. 23 W Service Rd, Cupang, Muntinlupa, Metro Manila, Philippines