About listing

ID 144411
Date add 11 March 2022 6:15 AM
Views 820
Country Australia
State New South Wales
Distance 16,982 Kilometers

The Life Style Store first opened its doors in February 2002 in the Riverbank complex in Parramatta. It was started by three individuals with a passion for quality home and car entertainment products. Having had vast experience within Australia’s largest car audio retailer at the time, the staff were determined to take that experience and develop a business that could take the home theatre and car audio experience to another level. Life Style Store specialises in designing and delivering the right system to suit your needs and budget. After over almost twenty years of serving the New South Wales market, the fact that the majority of our work comes from repeat business and referrals is a testament to the solutions, products and services that we provide.

Whilst a competitive price is always of importance, the quality and suitability of the product is even more important and that is the mantra of the Life Style Store. We will design the right system with the correct components to provide you with the performance and functionality to suit your needs. We are also focused on providing you with the best available products on the market for your requirements, so we have made the conscious decision to not import our own brands so that we can remain impartial. We offer a wide range of products from a carefully selected range of brands which we offer without any bias other than towards their performance, reliability and value-for-money. You won’t find any low quality brands at the Life Style Store. Vinod, the company’s co-founder says: “We plan to be here for a long time, so don’t want to waste our time on poor quality products. We want our customers to come back and recommend us to their friends.”

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country Australia
State New South Wales
Distance 16,982 Kilometers
Address The Junction 8, 2 Windsor Rd, Northmead, NSW Australia