About listing

ID 148437
Date add 23 April 2022 6:13 AM
Views 789
Country United States
State New Jersey
Distance 5,459 Kilometers

Leonardo Jewelers, our family is truly hands-on. An exceptional selection of
luxury watches and jewelry, personal family service and a warm and inviting
experience are what we strive to offer those who come to our stores. Come see
for yourself why we believe quality, value and service are the true gems of
life. We are also offers Diamond Jewelry, Diamond Rings, Engagement Rings,
Wedding Rings, Wedding Bands, Birthstone Jewelry, Gemstone Jewelry, Necklaces,
Pendants, Earrings, and Jewelry Repair services. 

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm Saturday: 10am - 5pm Sunday: Closed
Country United States
State New Jersey
Distance 5,459 Kilometers
Address 35 E Front St, Red Bank, NJ 07701, USA