About listing

ID 177429
Date add 6 January 2023 7:54 PM
Views 562
Country Australia
State New South Wales
Distance 16,995 Kilometers

Welcome to Konnectcare! We provide a wide range of services within the age care and disability sector. We are here to help break barriers and achieve best possible outcome to regain your independence, live in your own home, do the things you enjoy and live life to the fullest. Our main objective for people living with disability is to empower them to exercise choice and control, achieve their goals, and be active members of the community by provide the right support at the right moment, creating moments that matter as we break barriers and strive for a more inclusive society.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Open 24*7
Country Australia
State New South Wales
Distance 16,995 Kilometers
Address level 8/25 Restwell St, Bankstown NSW 2200, Australia