About listing

ID 147274
Date add 10 April 2022 6:12 PM
Views 622
Country United States
Distance 5,549 Kilometers

KOL Kitchen & Bath is a South Jersey kitchen remodeling and bathroom company. We design, build and install first-class and beautiful new cabinets, countertops, floor tiles, etc. We serve South Jersey homeowners, contractors, and builders with top-quality products that look great and are built to last. A new kitchen or bathroom design does not revolve around new cabinets, appliances, or even new fixtures but by the unifying design. From our designers to our installers, we will make sure you receive the guidance you need to complete the project and that your new kitchen or bathroom is crafted to your desires.
1970 Old Cuthbert Rd Suite 200, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, United States
(856) 666-8841
URL: https://kolkitchenbath.com/

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Country United States
Distance 5,549 Kilometers
Address 1970 Old Cuthbert Rd Suite 200, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, United States