
About listing

ID 120426
Date add 18 August 2021 12:20
Views 753
Knoldus is the world’s largest Functional Programming (Scala, Rust, Java) and Fast Data (Spark, Flink) company. Our mission is to provide reactive & streaming fast data solutions that are messag
Country United States of America
State / Province Illinois
Distance 6,203 Kilometers

Knoldus is the world’s largest Functional Programming (Scala, Rust, Java) and Fast Data (Spark, Flink) company. Our mission is to provide reactive & streaming fast data solutions that are message-driven, elastic, resilient, and responsive to build High-Performance Systems. We help organizations by developing and modernizing their system with custom IT solutions. We build on the work ethics and values, which translate directly to the quality of our systems.
We solve IT challenges such as:

  1. High-Performance Systems Intelligent driven decision
  2. AI/ML Data Strategy and Analytics Platform Strategy
  3.  Blockchain (DAML) Expert Services

Knoldus is fortified by an expansive network of certified strategic partners like Lightbend, IBM, Datastax, Confluent, Databricks, Knime, Snowflake, DAML; helps enterprise clients – including many Fortune 500 companies – to create the next-generation capabilities that set them apart.

Services You Offerhttps://www.knoldus.com/services
1) High-performance systems –> Digital Transformation, Microservices and API, Reactive Products and Cloud-Native Development
2) Data Strategy & Analytics  –> Data Strategy and Governance, Data Engineering, Advanced Analytics
3) Platform Strategy  –> Knoldus Digital Platform Strategy
4) Academy, Audit & Consulting 
5) Blockchain  –>   Distributed ledger technologies (DLT), Blockchain strategy for your business,
6) Expert Services  –> Audit on DevOps, Security and Test Automation, Containerization & Orchestration, Cloud Operations and migration, SRE and 24×7 support
7) Intelligence-Driven Decisioning  –> Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and  Data Science

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country United States of America
State / Province Illinois
Distance 6,203 Kilometers
Address 50 North Brockway Street, Palatine, IL 60067, USA