About listing

ID 131795
Date add 17 November 2021 7:46 PM
Views 893
Country United States
State Washington
Distance 7,514 Kilometers

M.S. Sports Performance & Injury Prevention NASM-PES Owner of KaisaFit
Kaisa Keranen is a personal trainer, fitness educator and social media influencer known for her fun and innovative ways to get people moving. She graduated from the University of Washington where she was a member of the Track and Field team and later went on to get her Masters in Exercise Science, Sports Performance and Injury Prevention. As owner of KaisaFit, she has developed her own method of movement which she shares daily with her clients and social media followers world wide. She lives and teaches by the motto that health is a feeling not a look and believes whole-heartedly in her mission to get people around the world up and moving!
Kaisa has been featured in such digital magazines as Vogue, Shape, SELF, Harpers Bazaar, Oxygen and ESPNW to name a few. She was featured on the Greatist as one of the most influential people in health and fitness and most notably was asked by Michelle Obama to be one of the go to trainers for her Let’s Move digital campaign.
You can find Kaisa on social media as KaisaFit where she educates, motivates and empowers people to JustMove
Call us : 206-494-5987

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country United States
State Washington
Distance 7,514 Kilometers
Address 8332 Mary Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117, USA