About listing

ID 176694
Date add 1 January 2023 8:13 AM
Views 578
Country United States
State Texas
Distance 7,669 Kilometers

65 $ - USD (US Dollar)

We are a manufacturer, distributor and online retailers of various safety clothing products including Work Wear (Coveralls, Overalls, Uniform Shirts, Uniform Trousers, BDU Style apparel, Work Denim, etc), Flame Resistant clothing, High Visibility clothing, Low temperature insulated clothing and casual wear (Designer jean, classic jean, Shirts, Trousers, etc). We also have the capability of customizing the work wear to meet your unique requirements. With our diversified factories we can customize any apparel to your specific need. With our special processes (which include customized designing / patterns, branding & labeling, embroidery, screen printing, washing, fabric softening, denim special effects, etc etc) we can meet any customization needs. As a valued customer, we guarantee complete customer satisfaction. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us at +17138585278

Link to details Visit Link Here
Price 65
Currency $ - USD (US Dollar)
Country United States
State Texas
Distance 7,669 Kilometers
Address 4220 Clay Business Dr, Katy, Texas 77449, United States