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About listing

ID 180261
Date add 1 February 2023 2:44 PM
Views 494
Country United States
State Tennessee
Distance 6,854 Kilometers

Jamison Pest and Lawn is a highly trusted, family-owned pest control and lawn care that has been serving the residents of Tennessee since 2003. Here we are guided by only one mission: to keep the houses and lawns of homeowners in Memphis, Tennessee free of pests. We do this by generating a completely customized solution for every pest problem. Our technicians are highly trained and licensed, so you know that our methods are safe and professional.

We use advanced equipment and cutting-edge technology to provide unbeatable pest control and lawn care service in Tennessee and Mississippi. We have a team of professionals that can offer you a variety of services such as lawn care, termite, pest as well as mosquito control services that ensure that your home remains safe. No matter what the job, you can count on us.

Opening Mon-Fri: 8 AM to 5 PM Sat-Sun: Closed
Country United States
State Tennessee
Distance 6,854 Kilometers
Address 9362 Marbella Cove, Cordova, TN 38018, United States