About listing

ID 229847
Date add 3 April 2024 14:05
Views 37
Our program is designed to support adolescents and reconnect families, with a particular focus on Teen Mental Health in Thousand Oaks. We utilize a multi-faceted approach to explore and address the ne
Country United States of America
State / Province California
Distance 8,601 Kilometers

Our program is designed to support adolescents and reconnect families, with a particular focus on Teen Mental Health in Thousand Oaks. We utilize a multi-faceted approach to explore and address the needs of each resident, including those related to Ventura County mental health, supporting the whole person on their healing journey. At Interval Teen, we provide a comfortable and safe setting for stabilization, and specialized therapeutic support to enhance the ability of teens and their caregivers to create and live healthier lives, all while prioritizing the well-being of adolescents in Ventura County.

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Link to details Visit Link Here
Phone 800-560-8518
Opening Hours Mon - Sun : Open 24 hours
Country United States of America
State / Province California
Distance 8,601 Kilometers
Address 1408 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362