About listing

ID 183068
Date add 23 February 2023 6:10 PM
Views 323
Country United States
State California
Distance 8,601 Kilometers

 If you’re looking for a physical therapy clinic in Huntington Beach, In Motion can help. Our mission is to give hope, healing, confidence and joy to others, and is the reason why we are the number one rated clinic on Yelp! and Google in the country. Every experience is carefully crafted down to the smallest detail: the temperature, the music, the state of the art locker rooms, and countless other details combine to provide an unparalleled experience for our clients. Our Huntington Beach physical therapists treat a wide variety of injuries and ailments, utilizing skilled hands-on techniques along with the right exercises that your body needs.

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Country United States
State California
Distance 8,601 Kilometers
Address 16561 Bolsa Chica St suite 100, Huntington Beach, California 92649, USA