
About listing

ID 114183
Date add 7 July 2021 8:21 PM
Views 1,009
Country United States
State Texas
Distance 7,661 Kilometers

Dr. Rubab emphasizes conservative dentistry, which focuses on preventing tooth decay and gum disease through regular checkups and proper oral hygiene.
Finding a Houston dentist that specializes in both adults and children takes more effort in searching due to the extra qualifications needed to be able to treat both. The qualifications for pediatric dentists are considerably more robust, and many dentists who work with children will only work with children.
However, at Naba Dental, the whole family is able to be seen by a single Houston dentist. And with a convenient location in west central Houston, near the Galleria, Memorial, and Tanglewood areas, it’s easier than ever to visit the best family dentist around.
Familiarity with the staff helps a child’s fear of the dentist and the gentle approach of Dr. Rubab Mirza and her staff keeps them calm through any procedure.
If a child is still uncomfortable with dental visits, sedation dentistry can be used to put their minds at ease. Sedation dentistry provides a completely safe, constantly monitored state of relaxed calm for a child through the use of nitrous oxide gas or IV sedation.

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Country United States
State Texas
Distance 7,661 Kilometers
Address 1811 Bering Drive, Houston, TX 77057, USA