
About listing

ID 189068
Date add 11 April 2023 12:57 PM
Views 232
Country Lebanon
State Beirut Governorate
Distance 3,603 Kilometers

Eating healthy has always been a part of my lifestyle. This business was launched through an Instagram page. Within the first month, many orders were made and this is when it hit Batoul that it’s no longer a small house project. The kitchen opened in the summer of 2018 which allowed us to grow our product range. As a former chemist graduate, to me baking is science, with a pinch of creativity and challenges, you can get the healthiest and most delicious products. New products are regularly introduced and the temptation is yours to resist! I pride myself most on my greatest work in the kitchen, baking for my friends and family with the best fresh and simple ingredients that make healthy and delicious treats fit for any appetite. Batoul’s natural talent allowed her to whisk her own touches into her favorite baked goods. Belicious Bakes turns a passion into a legacy. Our ethos is to prepare fresh, real, hearty treats with the best ingredients. Conscionability resides at the core of what we do. We are mindful of our impact on the local businesses and the environment. Belicious Bakes is a bakery that serves you mouthwatering, healthy, and organic treats. Our flavorful yeast-free bread is the first of its kind in the Middle East. It was a far-fetched dream. As hard as it was, the fear of not being able to pursue my dream pushed me to take the step that I needed to take for so long. It took a lot of hard work, baby steps, research, trial and error, learning, and continuous efforts to shut off the negative voices that said it was impossible. From all of this, a bakery brand was born. Born from real passion and dedication to every single woman that believes in her abilities to pursue her dreams. This is what Belicious Bakes is about.

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Country Lebanon
State Beirut Governorate
Distance 3,603 Kilometers
Address Beirut, Lebanon