About listing

ID 126429
Date add 5 October 2021 4:04 PM
Views 900
Country Australia
State New South Wales
Distance 17,001 Kilometers

Educube is
an agent who has been facilitating RPL qualifications through our top providing
RTO partners in Australia since 2010. Our offered courses ensure a quick
turnaround time for those who take up one of our RPL courses. We started our
journey to assist those struggling to determine and achieve a higher study and
career path abroad, whether onshore/ offshore. Our enterprise contains
world-class consultants awarded PIER and MARA certificates appointed in our
head office in Sydney and our branch offices in Bangladesh, Adelaide, and
Melbourne. It enables us to provide a vast array of services, ensuring a higher
success rate for all our students and clients worldwide. Some of our RPL
courses include Hospitality RPL, Automotive & Mechanical RPL, Building
& Construction RPL, Commercial Cookery RPL, Carpentry RPL, QBCC Licence

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country Australia
State New South Wales
Distance 17,001 Kilometers
Address 5/311 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW, Australia