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About listing

ID 170424
Date add 14 October 2022 06:06
Views 629
Genex Logistics is a leading 3PL Company in India with a focus on cutting-edge Logistics Solutions in Contract Logistics, 3PL, Freight Forwarding, Shipping, Project Logistics, and Transportation. We h
Country India
State / Province Delhi
Distance 6,776 Kilometers


is a leading 3PL
Company in India with a focus on cutting-edge
Logistics Solutions in Contract Logistics, 3PL, Freight Forwarding, Shipping,
Project Logistics, and Transportation. We help you drive business growth
through our innovative Logistics solutions coupled with new-age technologies.
Warehousing, Distributions, Industry-specific Logistics, Network Design,
Inventory Management, Tech-enabled solutions, Freight Forwarding, Customs
(including Bonded Warehousing &
FTWZ), Project Logistics, and
feasibility studies is something that Genex Logistics offers as a full-scale
logistics provider and works with a customer on an end-to-end basis.

Email –ID: info@Genexlogistics.in

Mobile No: +911128085421       

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country India
State / Province Delhi
Distance 6,776 Kilometers
Address 3rd Floor, Plot 10, LSC – 2, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075, India.