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About listing

ID 236508
Date add 23 May 2024 11:52 AM
Views 131
Country India
State Delhi
Distance 6,794 Kilometers

Our POS machine track all your dine-in and online orders on a touchscreen-based device, making it easier to manage your restaurant’s orders efficiently. By managing all your online and dine-in orders directly from Foodship POS machine, you can streamline your business operations, completely reduce missed orders to zero, quickly service the order, avoid errors, and improve the management of your restaurant’s order fulfilment process. This leads to better customer satisfaction and retention. In conclusion, a POS machine is best suited device for restaurants of any type and size.

Link to details Visit Link Here
E-mail radhika.g@foodship.co.in
Phone 7827428989
Mobile 7827428989
Opening 9am - 5pm
Country India
State Delhi
Distance 6,794 Kilometers
Address Govind Puri