About listing

ID 219626
Date add 27 December 2023 9:41 PM
Views 99
Country Canada
State British Columbia
Distance 7,191 Kilometers

Everden Rust Funeral Services is a full service funeral provider, licensed by the province of British Columbia. Established in 1994, we offer reasonable flexible options for cremation and burial with no manipulation, at the lowest possible cost. We have three convenient locations to serve your family in Kelowna, Penticton and West Kelowna.
Celebrate a life well lived with dignified funeral home services, direct basic cremation, memorial funeral home, funeral arrangement, and Obituaries services in West Kelowna, and Penticton, BC Call 250 860 6440

Link to details Visit Link Here
Country Canada
State British Columbia
Distance 7,191 Kilometers
Address 1910 Windsor Road, Kelowna, BC V1Y 4R5, Canada