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ID 187092
Date add 27 March 2023 2:19 PM
Views 112
Country India
State Delhi
Distance 6,784 Kilometers

The Air Force Academy imparts training to Flying, Ground Duty (Technical) and Ground Duty (Non-technical) Branches as well as flying training to officers of the Army and Navy. It prepares you, both in mind and spirit, to take on the responsibilities of an Air Force Officer. Apart from developing the required skills, you are also trained to inculcate the service code of conduct and etiquette that are expected of an officer. The curriculum encompasses plethora of techniques like projects, case studies, On-job training, presentations, debates, book reviews, guest lectures, public speaking, drill, games, swimming, weapon training, Yoga, field craft training and cultural activities to enhance knowledge base as well as to ensure overall development of a trainee as gentleman officer.

Opening 09:00 am to 05.00 pm
Country India
State Delhi
Distance 6,784 Kilometers
Address DISHA Cell by Indian Air Force, DISHA Cell, Motilal Nehru Marg, Rajpath Area, Motilal Nehru Marg Area, Delhi, India