
About listing

ID 228570
Date add 20 March 2024 1:14 PM
Views 180
Country Hong Kong
State Hong Kong Island
Distance 9,628 Kilometers

Dr. Sandeep Jain (Dentist) took over Diestel & Partner in 2003, continuing the tradition of providing high-quality dental care, which started in 1972. With his dedicated staff of many years, they have built a reputation for outstanding dental care, servicing generations of patients and their families. Given our team’s extensive knowledge and experience, you can trust us to deliver the best solutions for your dental needs. Here, you can have the peace of mind knowing your smile and oral health are in highly capable hands. Staff longevity is an important component in providing a good experience in our clinic. We look forward to working with them and our other staff members for years to come.

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Opening Monday Friday 9 AM–6 PM Saturday 9 AM–1 PM Sunday Closed
Country Hong Kong
State Hong Kong Island
Distance 9,628 Kilometers
Address Room 1914, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen's Road Central