
About listing

ID 145853
Date add 25 March 2022 5:19 PM
Views 781
Country Canada
State Alberta
Distance 6,627 Kilometers

Welcome to Orchards Dental, the South Edmonton dental practice of Dr. Dennis George Anithottam! We’re proud to serve our friends and South Edmonton neighbors in The Orchards of Ellerslie, Summerside, Ellerslie, Charlesworth, Walker, Rutherford, Callaghan, Allard, Richford, Blackburn, and Mill Woods.

We’re thrilled that you’re considering us as your new dental home, and we’d like to share with you the kind of care you can expect as a patient at our practice.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Mon-Thurs 9AM-8PM Fri 9AM-5PM Sat 9AM-3PM
Country Canada
State Alberta
Distance 6,627 Kilometers
Address 1504 91 Street Southwest #6, Edmonton, AB, Canada